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Spirigenic / Metagenic



Spirigenic: A system that formed for spiritual reasons, with a focus on/explicit inclusion of religious spirituality

Metagenic: A system that formed for spiritual reasons, with a focus on non-religious spirituality (from the term "metaphysical")

Color Meanings

The pink parts weren’t chosen for any specific reason (though personally they remind me of incense for some reason?), but silver was chosen due to its association with actual spirits

Pinks: recognition, support, and acceptance of headmates with more spiritual origins who may also have religious forms of spirituality tied in

Silvers: recognition, support, and acceptance of headmates with more spiritual origins who may have other non-religious/metaphysical forms of spirituality tied in

Middle stripe: representing the diversity of these experiences, and recognition, support, and acceptance of those who may consider themselves of another origin while still viewing their existence as more spiritual


Normal: A 7 striped flag. The top 3 stripes are shades of pink, with the top being the darkest and the bottom being the lightest. The bottom 3 stripes are shades of silver, the opposite being true. The middle stripe is a center-meeting gradient of silver and pink

Simplified: A 5 striped flag. The top two stripes are shades of pink, the top being dark and the botom being light. The bottom two stripes are shades of silver, again the opposite being true here. The center is a white stripe (or transparent, for the transparent variant)