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Protogenic: A system that's been plural since birth. Also covers systems that have been plural "since [they] can remember"

Color Meanings

The oranges were chosen to be reminiscent of the sunrise, in reference to sunrise being the start of the day while protogenic systems have [effectively] been plural since the start of their life. The purples were chosen to complement, but you could also consider them colors related to sunrise/sunset

Oranges: Recognition, support, and acceptance of protogenic systems who feel they’ve been plural since they were born

Purples: Recognition, support, and acceptance for protogenic systems who aren’t sure if they’ve been plural since birth but definitely can’t remember a time they weren’t plural

Middle stripe: Represents the diversity of these experiences, as well as recognition, support, and acceptance for systems who aren’t certain when they became a system and also aren’t certain if protogenic fits them


Normal: A 7 striped flag. The top 3 stripes are shades of orange, with the top being the darkest and the bottom being the lightest. The bottom 3 stripes are shades of purple, the opposite being true. The middle stripe is a center-meeting gradient of purple and orange

Simplified: A 5 striped flag. The top two stripes are shades of orange, the top being dark and the botom being light. The bottom two stripes are shades of purple, again the opposite being true here. The center is a white stripe (or transparent, for the transparent variant)