Flag thumbnail




Parogenic: A system that is [usually] intentionally created using thought-based methods. For some, this may also include some metaphysical parts, often in the form of energy work

Color Meanings

Blues: Recognition, support, and acceptance for parogenic headmates that have more metaphysical components to their existence

Browns: Recognition, support, and acceptance for parogenic headmates with more psychological components to their existence

Middle stripe: Representing the diversity of these experiences, as well as recognition, support, and acceptance for parogenic headmates that fall between metaphysical/psychological or feel they fall outside of those boxes completely


Normal: A 7 striped flag. The top 3 stripes are shades of light blue, with the top being the darkest and the bottom being the lightest. The bottom 3 stripes are shades of brown, the opposite being true. The middle stripe is a center-meeting gradient of brown and blue

Simplified: A 5 striped flag. The top two stripes are shades of blue, the top being dark and the botom being light. The bottom two stripes are shades of brown, again the opposite being true here. The center is a white stripe (or transparent, for the transparent variant)