Note: This comic was originally broken into two pages on our website. Instead, we've combined the panels of the two pages for easier viewing
Two people are seen hugging in a profile view. The one on the viewer's left (4N4) is tall, with sandy brown hair, a grey-purple turtleneck, and dark grey pants. The one on the right (Kam) is shorter, and they have darker brown hair with black/grey cat ears sticking out. They're wearing a purple sweater and dark grey pants as well.
In the upper right-hand corner is the date "Nov, 2018."
The person with cat ears is in the middle of the panel, facing the viewer. They have their hands up in a peace sign, a way of waving 4N4 goodbye.
The date in the corner still says Nov, 2018.
Kam is found sitting on a soft red carpet, their back against a cream colored wall. They're sitting with their legs crossed and are outside a door marked "4N4." The date in the corner hasn't changed.
Kam is sitting in the same place and has their head leaning on their fist, elbow propped on one of their knees. Their ears are low on their head and they appear to be sad or crying.
The date in the corner now says "Mar, 2019."
Kam is in the same spot and position as the last panel. The date now says "May, 2019."
Kam is sitting up straight, with an exclamation point above their head. The door that was closed before is opened slightly and a sliver of yellow light shines onto the carpet. The date from before hasn't changed.
4N4 and Kam are seen walking down a staircase, with Kam smiling and talking happily. The date is no longer in the corner at all.