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A small comic about dealing with triggers


Note: Originally this comic was marked as page 1. We never finished the other pages, however, so this distinction has been removed for now

Panel 1

A person can be seen sitting in their room. They're facing towards the viewer's left, playing a game. In their hands is a small, red controller. The wall behind them is a cream color, and they're sitting on an almost white bed with a dark grey blanket and a lighter grey pillow. The person themselves has light skin, brown hair, a grey sweater, and almost black pants, and they have their legs crossed

The door on the viewer's right is open, and someone is in the doorway. They have light skin, light brown hair, and a teal-ish shirt on. Their mouth is open and marks coming from them show that the person is talking. The person on the bed doesn't seem to be paying attention to what the other is saying

Panel 2

The door is now shut, marks showing that the door has been slammed. The person on the bed has dropped the controller, right leg lifted slightly. Their arms are up, and they have a surprised look on their face

Panel 3

The person is now curled in on themselves, hands covering their head, leg up futher

Panel 4

Now the viewer is behind the person, looking towards the TV. They're curled into a ball, lying on their side, hands still covering their head. The TV has a light red screen with darker red text on it that says "GAME OVER" in all caps

Between all the panels, text reads, "Triggers are strange / After all this time, we still can't handle slamming doors / You'd think it gets easier, but it doesn't / It really, really doesn't"