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Care Guide: Kam Edition

Kam has purrs if you have pets!


A three panel comic mainly depicting Kam. Kam is a person with cat ears, hereby referred to using kit/kits pronouns.

Kit has light skin, brown hair, green eyes, and black cat ears with light brown fluff inside them. Kit is wearing a purple sweater, which covers kits hands in every panel but the first one

Panel 1

Kam is drawn from the chest up, head turned slightly, a smile on kits face. Kits hands are seen towards the bottom of the image, fingers curled in to make paws. A layer of white color is placed over kit, and on top of that is text that reads, "How to care for your local Kam"

Panel 2

This panel is split into 2 sides. Both of them feature more cartoon-y versions of Kam. On the left, Kam is drawn from the waist up, hands up near kits chest. A dark grey hand is on kits head, and kits eyes are closed, a cat-like smile on kits face, mouth open. Text beside kit reads, "Head pats!"

The right side shows Kam and another person behind kit, named Lucio. He has dark grey skin, two sets of horns, red-brown hair, and a reddish shirt on. His arms are wrapped around Kam and his face is buried in kits hair. Kam has kits eyes closed again, arms hanging down in front of kit. Text beside them reads, "Cuddles!"

Panel 3

This one is also drawn more cartoon-y, and split into two sides. On the left, Kam is shown from the waist up again, this time with kits hands together. An evil grin can be seen on kits face. Text next to kit says, "The souls of the innocent!"

The right side shows Kam reaching up towards a feathery cat toy, mouth and eyes open. The cat toy has 3 feathers, two being green-ish and one being blue, and a silver bell on it. Text beside Kam says, "Toys!"