A few people are shown standing around against a white background. On the left is what seems to be a couple, with one person (Jack) embracing the other (Lucio) from behind, head leaning against the other's shoulder. Jack has light skin, brown hair with a grey streak in it, and a golden yellow sweater with light grey pants. Lucio has medium grey skin, dark red-brown hair, a reddish hoodie and darker grey pants. He has horns poking out of his hair, and his sweater says "GAY" in all caps
He's looking down at another person, Kam, who is hunched over slightly, knees bent. Kam has light skin, light brown hair, a purple sweater, and grey pants as well. Xe also has black cat ears poking out of xir hair. Xir mouth is open wide, eyes closed, one of xir arms holding xir stomach as xe laughs
Behind the three of them is someone seated in a rolling chair, a little ways away from the group. Their hair is a lighter brown than Kam's, an they're wearing a brown coat and blue jeans. They're sitting so that their arms are over one arm of the chair and their legs are over the other arm
On the far right is another person (4N4) who's leaning against the panel's edge. He has light skin and brown hair, and he's wearing a light grey sweater with darker pants
This panel is split into two sides. Both feature Kam from before, now focused in on, drawn from the chest up
On the left side, xe's laughing again, eyes closed, tugging slightly on xir collar with one hand while the other is raised to xir chest. "Right guys?" is written above xir head, and the background is a light purple
On the right side, xir eyes are open, mouth open slightly in a frown. Xe's still tugging on xir collar a bit, but xir other hand is lowered slightly. "Guys?" is written above xir head, and the background is darker
Kam is shown from another angle, drawn from the knees up, back to the viewer. Xe's turned slightly, head looking behind xem, a worried expression on xir face. Behind xem is a background made mostly of different shades of grey. A control panel with blacked out screens and a few different colored buttons can be seen, with an opening underneath showing a room with beds far below where Kam is standing
Between all the panels, text reads, "Even in a head full of people / I still find myself / talking to no one"