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A little comic about criterion 2


A three panel comic mainly depicting us. We have light skin, brown hair, and green eyes, and are usually drawn wearing a grey sweater

Panel 1

This panel features a line of text with several small images around it.

In the top left is a red button with "Forgot Pass" written on it, a mouse arrow pointed at it.

In the top right is a light blue captcha block with a small street scene inside.

In the bottom left is a card that says "Enter your D.O.B." and has the right fields to do so.

In the bottom right is a login form. The username section has "greysdawn" typed in; the password is just dots. At the top it says "invalid login"

The text in the center reads, "Sometimes we forget things"

Panel 2

This panel is split into two sides

On the left is Kam, who looks the same as the description of us mentioned before, except kit has black cat ears and wears a purple sweater. Kit is looking down at our phone with a quizzical look

On the right it shows our phone in kits hand. A block at the top says "playlist," and underneath that are two song cards. Above the phone is text that says, "When were these added...?"

Text in the top left corner reads, "Usually they're pretty small"

Panel 3

This panel is set up similarly to the first one. In the top left is a photograph with a younger version of us inside. Another person is with us, and they have their arm over our shoulder. Text written on it says "us + ??? (10.16)"

In the top right is a digital drawing. A doodle of us is on the left, but the name at the top says Kam. It also says that we're 16, nonbinary, and glitchkin. Beneath the latter is a comment that says, "When was this?"

At the bottom, we're pictured on the right side of the screen, facing to the viewer's left towards someone calling our name. To the right of us is text that says, "Who's that?"

Text at the bottom edge of the panel reads, "But other times... You'd be surprised"