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Potential Shutdown Incoming

We've hit a roadblock again, and things aren't going to be easy.

Welp, it's been a good run. Unfortunately, we aren't really sure about how things are going to go for the next while, and we wanted to warn everyone ahead of time

So, what happened?

The long and short of it is this: recently we had to quit our job in order to recover from some physical and mental health issues that it was causing for us. Our partner took up a job instead, but... that didn't work out. We're now entirely without income (aside from the 4 people we have paying us on Patreon- two of which are doing so because we host their bots. Thank you guys so much nonetheless 💜)

We won't get into the nitty gritty of the problem there, but we're pretty much just... stuck without money. And we're not sure if we'll be able to get another job anytime soon. The only money we do have will be going towards making sure we can eat and pay other bills, and we're not really even certain that we'll be able to do that right now

What happens next?

This depends entirely on how things go from here. There are a couple possibilities:

1. We get another job, giving us a stable source of income- but we'll go back to not being able to work on projects (and potentially struggling with our health)

2. We get more donations and supporters, helping us to stay afloat and potentially covering at least our hosting costs (if not other bills)

3. Things stay the way they are now, and all of our bots will have to be shut down

We're going to try to avoid #3 here as much as possible, but as it currently stands, it's still very much a possibility :(

How can we help?

If you want to help us, please consider subscribing to us on Patreon or contributing to us on Ko-Fi! If you don't like those platforms, we're also on Liberapay. If you can't support with money, consider sharing our bots and pages with your friends as well!

For reference, right now we're receiving less than $20/mo. $10 of that goes towards hosting for the people commissioning us; our actual project hosting costs total about $35/mo right now. There are other costs we have that aren't hosting but are somewhat work-related (eg. having Nitro on Discord for the higher upload and character limits), but we don't really count those here

Also, as always, we genuinely mean it when we say that anything and everything helps. We appreciate everyone who donates and supports us. Please consider doing so to help keep our bots alive 💜

Things will be pretty uncertain for a bit, but we're going to do our best and work with what we can. We still hope to one day turn our projects into a full-time job for us some day, and even if we have to shutdown our bots temporarily, rest assured that we'll be working to get them back online as fast as possible

That's all for now, hopefully we'll have some better news soon :'3

- Kam