Hi folks! A bit late, but it's that time again :3
Let's get into it:
All in all, we're doing a lot better than we were before! So far things have been okay financially (with some small scares still, but we're working those out), and we're able to stay where we are for now
That said, a lot of last month involved having electricians come over to fix a bunch of issues (including our shower becoming electrified, which was mildly terrifying) and we spent a week or so away from our house while that happened. That's all figured out now though ^^
Anyways, moving on!
We took the time that we were away from our house to work on implementing new Svelte 5 features into our CDN. This went pretty well, and we now have a better understanding of how Svelte 5 operates :D
The entire design has been redone, adding in plenty of quality of life feels and modals where possible. Anyone who chooses to self-host it will notice the difference :3
Similar to our CDN, we also got our link shortener redesigned! This one is much more obvious to people using the website and not just self-hosting. Public links are handled with the database now, plus links can have descriptions. We also implemented some neat stats on things (for our eyes only) using chart.js ^^
As part of that, we've also released it to the public on GitHub. Folks are free to self-host their own link shorteners with it :3
These projects helped us to get a better grasp on Svelte 5, as well as to help us understand design libraries like Flowbite. We'll be using this knowledge to continue working on our other projects going forward
Micro is a blog project we're working on right now. We've talked about this a bit before, but we've specifically called it a learning project. That's still true- it's something we're using to prototype some features for a bigger idea we have- but we've also made it a slightly bigger project as part of that. We're not sure on a release yet, but we're chipping away at it when we have time!
We're still working on the actions update for Fox! We should have some idea of a proper release schedule soon. The update will include the actions that we've talked about before, as well as a redesign for the form creation process!
As always, we have plenty of things on our plate at any given time, and we try to divide and conquer to the best of our ability ^^;
Other projects we have are still on the table, and we tend to weave between working on them. We've had some setbacks recently (electrical work, getting super sick these past couple weeks, struggling with mental + physical health issues, all that fun stuff) but we're doing our best and we hope to be finishing some things up here soon
As always, sending a big thank you to our supporters! We couldn't do these things without you guys
With any luck we'll have some more updates soonβ’
We hope everyone reading this has a great day!
- Kam